Archive for the 'Nik Carter' Category


GET OUT!!!, Stairway? ON AN I-PHONE?!!!!!!

Shut up!!!!; They are NOT playing “Stairway to heaven” by blowing into an IPhone!!!!!!……BUT THEY ARE.



 That is all, end transmission!


Metal guys? = DUMB?: in 1988 it did!

So I got home from work the other day and one of my favorite movies of all time was on IFC; “The decline of western civilization 2, the metal years”. I tried to describe it to a friend of mine  and I simply could not do it justice. I don’t know what’s funnier the rock stars that they talk to (Ozzy, Lemmy, Poison, Paul Stanley being interviewed on a bed with four groupies draped over him, Alice Cooper,…),  or the struggling musicians all convinced that they were going to be HUGE rock stars. The film was made in 1988 when metal was all about aqua net and spandex, so you see all of these guys who when asked “well what will you do if you don’t make it”?….all of whom reply: “Oh Ill make it, there’s no way I wont, Im GOING to be a rock star”,…of course history has proven almost all of them wrong, not even the mighty “ODIN. ODIN, ODIN” turned out to be much more than an LA club band. Anyway, if you’ve not seen this film it is a MUST see, I mean as  entertaining as it gets.


Here is a quintessential dumb metal guy in question: A drunken Chris Holmes of W.A.S.P ( I mean, WASP,… could a band be any worse?. Blackie Lawless with that stupid buzz saw blade cod piece?…remember that?). Let’s join Chris by the pool for an insightful discussion of what makes him tick:



Yikes: That is all, End Transmission!


Ozzy: the prince of F$*&@#% cell phone hucksters!


When life (and by life I mean years of drug, alcohol and decibel abuse) gives you a speech impediment, you may as well cash in on it……..Right Ozzy?. To think that this guy used to scare the hell out of people?…He was once the self proclaimed “PRince of F&%*#@*% darkness”… he’s just a lovable, bumbling, reality TV show dad. Like Bill Cosby, or “Mike Brady”


 that is all, End Transmission!


Mascot’s rule: WHEN THEY FAIL!


I dont know I’ve just always found Mascot’s creepy! I will admit that i love to see the Hot dog, Mustard, and Relish race at the Brooklyn Cyclone games during the summer but that’s about where my love of the mascot ends. UNLESS…… Please enjoy this at times heartbreaking montage of good guys who weren’t quite good enough to make the team but their love of the game still draws them close to it! Again ladies and gentlemen the failblog to the rescue.




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Nirvana baby all grown up, this is weird.

So imagine living in a world where virtually everyone you meet has seen your naked baby pictures, or at least one in particular. A pic of you, naked, little wee wee hanging out, while you’re chasing a dollar bill in the water?. One of the most iconic images of our generation is the picture of the naked baby on the cover of Nirvana’s “Nevermind” disc. Now at 17 years of age the Nirvana baby whose name is Spencer Elden did a photo shoot where he recreated that famous shot, of course now he’s wearing trunks to cover his wee wee. Let’s hope it’s brown in the past almost two decades. He says his parents were paid $200 for his modeling services, chicken feed when you consider that the album went on to sell some 25 million copies, and then there were T-shirts of the album cover etc. Why so little? Spencer says ” my parents had never heard of Nirvana”………yeah well neither had most of the rest of the world. Swim on Nirvana baby!!.


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 It’s been a bad, bad week for the grand old party and the Republicans are in a state of panic! McCain losing the election, Sarah Palin being outed for not knowing things that the average American 5th grader knows, things like Africa being a continent and not a country,THE LIBERAL Media’s CONSTANT AND UNFAIR ATTACKS on the Bush white house!. After eight tumultuous years in the white house the biting attacks by the media have worn the family down!….Well today a prominent member of the Bush white house BIT BACK!. Barney: President Bush’s beloved dog took a bite out of a reporter from Reuters, who had to go get tetanus shot, antibiotics, the whole nine yards. First lady Laura Bush sent a note of apology to the reporter but the word went out to the world: You mess with the Bush, you get the teeth.





You keep your little noses clean!

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WAZZZZUP 2008!!!

 Vote, it’s just that simple,  Tuesday, dont be a hump,dont be some pathetic slacker, VOTE. feel your power,.like DOOKIE!




 That is all, End Transmission,……True, TRUE.


The greatest halloween song EVER!

Oogie Boogie: Gangsta to the NTH degree, reppin the mean streets of Halloweentown!


  Happy Halloween ya li’l GOBLINS!





That is all, end halloween transmission!


it is COMING!!!!!!!!!.RAAAWR!!!!!!!!!



O ne more thing for your procrastination needs

 That is all, ENd transmission!


Rock on, BON!


In Perth Austrailia they have erected (hee hee) a statue of the late ACDC frontman Bon Scott who died in 1980 of alcohol poisoning. Check out the bag pipes!


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